YAMAHA FJ-09, MT-09 TRACER Knuckle guard LED Kit Mounting Manual

Tools are needed for assembly.

- Allen wrench (2.5mm / 4mm / 5mm), Screwdriver, cutters, wrenches (10mm), etc.


1, Remove the knuckle guard with an Allen wrench.

 2, Check the position of the hole with a center punch and paper guides.


3, Use the drill makes a hole. (Hole diameter 4.5 ~ 5MM)


4, Use the drill will drill three holes. (Hole diameter 4 ~ 5MM)


5, Secure the nut into the hole on the inner surface using tape.

6, Drill a hole in another piece knuckle guard.

Wires pass through the holes.

7, a) is passed through the wire into the hole of the knuckle guard.

b) The assembly of the knuckle guard.

8, Attach the rubber spacers sandwiched between the knuckle guard and LED Kit as shown in the picture.

9, Slowly fixing screws.



YAMAHA FJ-09, MT-09 TRACER Knuckle guard LED Kit

Wiring Connections



Tools are needed for assembly.

- Allen wrench (4mm / 5mm), Screwdriver, cutters, wrenches (10mm), etc.


1, Remove the  bolts. 


 2, Remove the bolts with a 5mm hex wrench.


3, Remove the locking pin and disassemble the plastic panels.


4, Remove the wire retaining pin.






6, Connect the LED to 12v spare terminals.

*When you turn on the ignition of a motorcycle is always turned on.

*If you want to synchronize the LED Kit with turn signals, refer to the following pages.

YAMAHA FJ-09, MT-09 TRACER Knuckle guard LED Kit

To sync the LED Kit with turn signals



Tools are needed for assembly.

- Allen wrench (4mm / 5mm), Screwdriver, cutters, wrenches (10mm), etc.


1, Removing the side panel.

Allen wrench (5mm)



 2, Removing the side panel.



3, Connect with reference to the wiring diagram below.


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